Our Story

The Real Meaning Behind Exo

"Creative Destruction. A risk in business and going against the grain. The reasonable man adapts himself to the world... The unreasonable one persists, in trying to adapt the world to himself... Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." - Nipsey Hussle
Something completely new, something you never seen... There is an unlimited number of meanings to EXO because EXO is however YOU interpret it. In my words and the meaning I gave to Exo was to be external, from the outside. So our job is to provide you with external clothing from the outside you never seen something new or something you might of never gave a try. To be unique and wear something to your own liking and not someone's else.


Why Was Exo Made?

I created Exo on 9/24/22 a month before now depending on when your reading this. The reason I created it because I wanted to be known for something and not just something that satisfies someone. So I decided to let that be clothes the one thing that most of the human population cant go a day without wearing. There is a 99.9% chance that your reading this while in clothes. Almost everything can be expressed in clothes, For example pictures, meanings, etc. Another reason that led me to creating Exo Clothing was my idols such as "Demonic Angles" and "Watch Your Step" watching them through their greatest moment and their worst moments gave me inspiration. How they had bad times where things wasn't always the best for them and then after putting in the time, the work, the determination. They became a successful clothing brand. I have the same hopes and expectations for Exo Clothing. So I want whoever is reading this now to set a positive goal and follow it no matter how many hard times and struggles you go through I want you to accomplish that goal and keep striving with it.